Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Reading Notes: Ramayana Part B

Rama fighting an army of Rakshasas. Source: Wikimedia
Rama and Bharata, by Donald A. Mackenzie

After the funeral ceremony for his dead father is completed, Bharata sets out to find Rama and proclaim him king, instead of himself.  He found Rama in the forest and begged him to come home and take his place as the rightful king.  Rama refuses Bharata's offer because he does not wish to betray the command of his late father. Jabali, a counsellor to Dasharatha, tries to convince Rama to accept Bharata's offer because he is merely tring to appease gods and religious law that Jabali says to not exist.  Jabali claims that rituals and the afterlife were invented by priests to trick the populace for their own nefarious deeds and that if Rama wishes to go against his fathers command, he should and without consequence to his soul or future.  Rama refutes this suggestion and holds true to his teachings and wisdom to keep his word to his late father and his wishes for him to be exiled.  Rama will stay in the forest for the duration of his exile. 

Lakshmana and ShurpanakhaBattle with Khara, by Donald A. Mackenzie

A female Rakshasa named Shurpanakha falls in love with Rama and desires to make him her husband.  She appears to him and asks him to let her eat Sita and his brother so they can be wed and be together.  Rama rejects her proposal and laughs at her.  She gets angry and lunges at Sita.  Lakshmana, Rama's brother, leaps in front of Shurpanakha and cuts off her ears and nose.  She retreats to her brother Khara to ask for revenge.  He sends some Rakshasas to kill Rama but they are slain with celestial arrows.  This makes him angry, so he summons his brother Dushana to create an army of 14 thousand Rakshasas to defeat Rama.  Rama hears of this and tells his brother and wife to hide in a cave so he can take on the army alone.  With his celestial bow at hand, he defeats Khara and his brother's army with many arrows.

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