Sunday, January 21, 2018

Time Strategies

A picture of time flying by. Source: Pixabay
The two articles I read were 3 Steps to Recapture Time and Realistic Study Plans.  A useful tip out of the first article is learning to say no to certain decisions or time obligations that aren't as important to your overall goals.  Some advice I found useful in the second post was to actual sit down and plan out my work and studying that needs to be done so it can be accomplished in a realistic manner.  I don't think I'll have many time challenges this semester because my course load is rather light compared to past semesters.  A time management strategy that works for me is to do more work in the mornings when I have more energy instead of at night when I'm less productive. 

1 comment:

  1. It's definitely necessary sometimes to drop things for more important goals. It can be kind of a let down but the goal can be really important. It's good that you worked hard to get a light course load this year, so enjoy your free time! It's also cool that you're a morning person, most people I know seem to be night owls (myself included) and our work only gets done in the evening.
