Thursday, January 18, 2018

Introduction to Dave

Me and my family on a vacation to New Mexico in 2015.

Hello, my name is David.  I am a senior electrical engineering major. When I was in high school I ran a business fixing Xboxs out of my garage which is what got me started into Electrical Engineering and computers.  I started college at Ohio State for Computer Science and transferred here to OU after 2 and a half years.  When I came here I switched to electrical engineering because I wasn't feeling comp-sci and it ended up being a great decision.  I'm a big fan of Lord of the Rings and I like to pretend the Hobbit movies don't exist.  They are my favorite books since I was a kid and they're the only books I've ever re-read a few times.  Some of my favorite movies are Interstellar, I Love You Man, Last of the Mohicans, A River Runs Through It, Legends of the Fall, most Star Wars movies, and the Lord of the Rings trilogy.  I watch all kinds of TV but what I've been watching recently is Black Mirror, Brooklyn 99, and Rick and Morty.  I also like to play video games when I've got free time and I'd say my favorite games are Borderlands 2, Assassins Creed Black Flag, Sean White Snowboarding, and any number of Nintendo games.  I've been to all 50 states, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Ireland, England, and a couple places around the Mediterranean.  My favorite place I've visited was Ireland because of how beautiful it is and how genuinely nice the local people are to travelers.  I currently work at the Radar Innovation Lab here at OU and am planning to get my masters in Electrical Engineering there.  The RIL is a research lab for the purpose of developing weather radar and applications for the national weather center and other interested entities.  Once I finish my masters, I would like to work in radar somewhere on the west coast. 


  1. Oh, that picture of you all in the caves is so cool, David! And it makes me think immediately of the carved cave temples in India; there are a LOT of them: Wikipedia: rock-cut temples in India ... and I am guessing the LotR energy will serve you well in this class! What you said about the Hobbit movies (which I will not watch; the Hobbit was always my favorite of the books!) makes me think about the Ramayana, where there is a controversial last book that a lot of versions just leave out. Thousands of years before Hollywood even existed, there have been controversies with prequels, sequels, and remakes!

    And I will have to tell my husband that there is an RIL student in this class: very exciting! Before he retired from OU, he was in the School of Meteorology, and before that he was in the Air Force, where he was the radar meteorology guy. We have a lot of NEXRAD paraphernalia and swag. Coffee mugs galore! :-)

  2. Hey Dave, wish I knew about your business before my 360 and its replacement red ringed, haha. Sad to see someone leave the field I'm in, but it's good that you found something better for you! I also like Borderlands 2 and the Presequel, though I only have fun with a few friends. It's crazy that you've been to every state. Which ones were your favorites?

  3. Hey David! I'm a huge fan of movies and TV shows. I've got a lot of respect for The Lord of the Rings movies, but I've never touched the books. My mom insisted that I HAD to read The Hobbit first, and that thing intimidated me. I love Black Mirror and Rick and Morty! I also really enjoy travelling, but haven't been many places yet since I just recently got started. I've heard really great things about Ireland and it's definitely on my bucket list!

  4. Hello David. It is impressive that you have been to every state. Even people that travel a lot usually have a few states they have missed. I have never been to Ireland,, but it is somewhere I have wanted to go. I also liked the Lord of the rings movie. I saw the hobbit movie on TV not to long ago and was shocked by how horrible it actually was. Best of luck getting your masters, that sounds like a very challenging degree.

  5. Hi David! I am also a huge fan of Lord of the Rings! I have lost count over how many times I have read the books. That is so cool that you have been to all 50 states! I rarely ever travel and if I do, I only go to Texas for leadership conferences. I admire that you have gotten to go to so many places!

  6. Hi Dave! That is so cool that you've been to all 50 states not to mention abroad! I've only been to England and India but I would like to go to Australia one day! I'm glad that you found your major at OU. Wow a business in high school?! That is really impressive! I use to like watching my brother play Grand Theft Auto on his XBox. I would occasionally play it too. I'm more of a GameCube person and like to play Super Smash Bros. Well it was nice meeting you!

  7. Hey Dave! I am a big fan of The Lord of the Rings as well! I have watched the main trilogy at least 5 times, and I enjoyed it every time.

    It is very impressive that you have been to all 50 states in the U.S. It is crazy to me since I have never strayed father than the states that boarder Oklahoma. You mentioned that Ireland was the favorite place that you have visited overall, but I was wondering which state was your favorite to visit.

  8. Hello David! I love The Lord of the Rings, too! I have actually been contemplating rewatching the trilogy since they uploaded some on Netflix. I have not read the books yet, but I would love to read them some day! It is so cool that you have been to all 50 states! I have only been to a handful of states, most of which were layovers. What were your favorite states? You seem so accomplished! I hope you will get a job in radar.

  9. Hi David! I'm impressed that you are trying to get your masters in electrical engineering. Electrical engineering and computers in general are very confusing to me, but it's awesome that you have found something that you really enjoy doing. Good luck this semester in EE, and good luck with your masters!

  10. Hi David! My friend Ashley Jezek also works at the Innovation Hub, do you know her? I heard that the Innovation Hub is a really great place to work. I also have recently been watching Black Mirror I like how every episode is different and has different actors. I look forward to reading more blog posts from you in the future! Good luck with the rest of this semester!

  11. Hi David!

    My fiance (named David, oddly enough) got his start fixing up computers from home. He became the neighborhood drop off for tech junk, and he too decided to get out of the computer science route (except he turned to psychology)! Some funny similarities.

    I think it's really cool that you've traveled to all 50 states! I don't know many people who can make that brag. That's definitely on my "bucket list," to at least see most of the U.S.

  12. Hey there David. To hear you have gone so many different places is just amazing to me. I have probably only gone to 5 different states i think and Mexico so, yeah haha! You definitely peaked my interest about Ireland because I have been thinking about taking a vacation out of the US soon but wasn't sure where would be best and hearing what you said with all your expertise really makes me want to look more into traveling there. I hope the rest of the semester treats you well!

  13. Hey Dave! Your introduction is so interesting! You seem to have experienced so much! It is so cool that you have visited all 50 states! That really is a huge accomplishment! Also, I have always wanted to travel to Ireland! It looks so beautiful! Where all do you recommend going on a trip there? I have always wanted to tour some of the castles.

    I really enjoyed reading your intro, I hope you have a great rest of the semester!

  14. Thanks for sharing David! I am a senior as well. It is crazy how fast the fast 4 years have flown by to me here at OU. Do you feel the same way? That is amazing that you have visited every state! That is something that I hope to do one day, as I love to travel. Best of luck to you this semester!

  15. Hi David! I'm a giant LOTR fan too; the movies are really good! Not sure what you meant about the Hobbits movies though, I was pretty sure they all got canceled and were never ever made ever. Unfortunately, Interstellar is the only movie on your list of favorites that I've seen. I'll have to get on that! Best of luck to you.

  16. Hi David! I also like movies/TV. I honestly can say that I have never watched any of the Star Wars movies or Lord of the Rings movies, but I have heard a lot about them. I am really jealous of how much you have traveled. I have only traveled within the U.S. and honestly have not even gone to half the states, so that is really cool that you have been to them all. Great post and good luck with the rest of the semester.

  17. Hey David. I actually play xbox and I game on PC as well. I have always wanted to learn how to fix and build gaming devices. I am also a transfer here. I haven't read the Lord of the Rings books yet, but it is on my very long list of books to read. I love Borderlands! I could play that all day. I could never get past the tutorial on Assassins Creed. I would always get bored and quit. I have major ADD when it comes to games. I am Irish and I would love to visit one day.

  18. David, I hope this doesn't sound weird, but we might be best friends. I LOVE the Lord of the Rings. I recently bought leather copies of the LotR and the Hobbit and I am currently rereading LotR. Of course I've seen all of the movies, but I've only seen the first Hobbit. That was all that I could stomach, I was so upset with that movie. Interstellar and I Love You, Man are two of my all time favorite movies. I am also in the processing of replaying Borderlands 2. In fact, me and my brother made plans to play it together later tonight. Take it easy, Joben.

  19. Hey David!

    I'm a transfer here too graduating next month and I'm always amazed at how quickly my time here at OU went. I really enjoy LotR and was also disappointed with the Hobbit movies, but I feel like I end up being that way with a lot of movies adapted from series I'm a big fan of. I've visited something like 38 of the states and would like to make it all 50, maybe some day!

  20. Nice to meet your David!
    I just finished reading your introduction! I am a computer science major and I too have thought about switching to electrical engineering from time to time when doing some of those all night programming projects, but I have heard about two classes in the ECE major that sound brutal and would be an overall bummer.

  21. Dang David you sound pretty awesome! My goal is to visit all 50 states as well! Also, I love that you ran your own business in highschool fixing Xboxes! The entrepreneurial spirit is really important! I look forward to reading more of your stories!

  22. Hi David! I am from the Myth-folklore side and decided to come check out some stuff in the Indian Epics side. I think it is funny you came from the other OSU. Do people ever say that to you? Anyways, you have an interesting taste in movies... I have never seen any of the ones you listed (outside of star wars). Maybe I should check them out!

  23. Hey David! You have great taste in movies! Although, I'm a little sad that you don't like the hobbit movies. I loved that they added more than the book, but I can understand if that wasn't something you liked. Brooklyn 99 is one of my absolute favorite shows. Gina is for sure my favorite character. Good luck finishing your degree and getting your masters!

  24. Hello David!

    First off, I must say your blog is very visually appealing! I like how you used an image as the background. Many of my good friends are pursuing Electrical Engineering as well. I heard about this really difficult class you might be familiar with, called EMF? I am pre-med and I remember learning a chapter on electromagnetic fields in Physics but it's so incredible how this topic is a class itself! Anyway, good luck with the rest of your semester!

  25. Nice to meet you, David!
    I find it amazing that you found your passion so young! I'm sure it's cool getting to study something you have loved since high school and be able to look back on how far you have come! And all 50 states?! I hope to do that as well. I love to travel!
    Thank you so much for sharing!

  26. Hi David, It is awesome that you know what you want to do. Electrical Engineering sounds very difficult from what I have heard, and I know I would not do well studying that. Its pretty cool that you have visited all of the states. I am still missing about 12, but I hope to have them all soon.

  27. Hey David! I also like to pretend the Hobbit movies didn’t exist. They were a rather unfortunate thing to have happened. I think it is really cool that you ran a business fixing Xboxes in high school. Most teenagers, including me at the time, don’t have the drive to learn how to do things like that and even fewer have the foresight to make some money off of it. Best of Luck in grad school

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Hey David!
    I really like the design and layout of your blog and I feel like incorporating personal photos into your introduction was a nice touch! I think it’s so cool that you have been to every state! I also love traveling. I hope you are having a great semester so far and I can’t wait to explore the rest of your blog!

  30. Hey David,

    That’s a really cool way how you got into electrical engineering! My older brother did the same thing around that time and I thought it was super cool. I never tried to fix my Xbox properly though (towel trick every time). Also that is incredible that you have been to so many places. I’ve been overseas once and thought it was awesome. I want to go visit somewhere new, so I’ll keep your Ireland advice in mind!

  31. Hi, David! First of all, that picture is awesome! I would love to go to New Mexico. How awesome that you found a major that suits you so well! Some of my favorite movies are Interstellar and Legends of the Fall..great choices! Ireland is at the top of my travel list.I have heard so many great things. Thanks for sharing some of your story with us!

  32. Hi David! That's a cool business that you started in high school, it makes sense that you're an electrical engineering major! We have a lot in common with our movies and TV show tastes. I looooove Star Wars and Lord of the Rings and I also am obsessed with Black Mirror and think Rick and Morty is hilarious! Good luck on getting your masters!

  33. Hey David! I think it's great that even though you have switched majors or transferred schools, something you did when you were young put you on a path and helped you discover what you're passionate about. I wish I understood computers and technology! I can barely work Google chrome efficiently. Hope your dead week isn't looking too horrible and good luck with finals!

  34. Hey there, David!
    It is nice to finally check out some more classmates' introductions before the semester is over. I hope you have had a very successful semester in this class and your other courses. I have to agree with you about Lord of The Rings. Possibly the greatest book and movie series ever created. I do share the same sentiment about The Hobbit movies. They were just a let down overall.

  35. Hi David! Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with us! Lord of the Rings gets me so pumped and I actually plan on watching all the movies this summer with a friend who has never seen them. Huge fan and the only thing better than reading the books or watching the movies is getting to introduce others. The first Hobbit movie was my favorite, hands down.
