It's Summer Time. Source: PublicDomainPictures
Reading for the Week: I really enjoyed my reading this week. It was fun to read more Jatakas and I think they are the most enjoyable of all of the stories I have had to read for the class. They are short, sweet, and to the point and have a creative spin to all of their lessons. It was nice going through and seeing a bunch of different author's takes on the stories and how they differ from one another.
My Best Writing for the Week: I think my best writing was in my Storybook project because I think I made my last story more clear and specific. I think a good writing strategy is to just sit down and write what's on your mind and edit it later. You may end up writing more than you need and you can trim it down to what you really want to say when you revise.
Other People's Writing: I read a portfolio this week from class that had a really excellent layout for its stories and had nice emphasis on certain lines and dialogue. It made their story have more impact and makes me think I should add some similar elements to my website.
My Other Classes: My other classes are all coming to an end an they all have final projects that I need to finish up. It will be challenging, but I can get it done if I manage my time right. The nice thing about this is most of those classes don't have finals, so it will be a pretty relaxing finals week this semester.
Plans for Next Week: I really hope to finish up this class strong next week and get all of the points I need to make an A in the class. It looks like I should just be able to do it if I do all of the regular weekly assignments.